Monday, May 13, 2013

Would you let your child wear the same outfit two days in a row?

Those who look to him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed.  Psalm 34:5

This past Saturday my husband and oldest daughter served at Church.  He is a small group leader for elementary kids and my daughter helps out with the two year old.   My 7 year old daughter decided to tag along  with them.  She was playing all day in her cut off green shirt and panda shirt her friend recently gave her.

As she was getting ready to run and jump in the car.  She looked at me with her mix match socks and sparkly shoes and said, "do I look cute?"  Of course, my response was, " you look beautiful.."

The next morning we went to church as a family. She rolled out of the house in the same outfit and two sweatshirts tied around her waste.  You could just tell she felt like a million bucks.

Some people may think this is horrible.  I let her wear the same outfit twice especially shorts and a t-shirt to church. Yes, I sure did!  I refuse to crush that spirit of hers.  Thankfully, God doesn't look at our appearances.  It's the heart that only matters to Him.

As I sat in church this past mother's day with my husband and three of my kids by my side,  The last thing I was thinking about was what my kids were wearing and what someone else might think
As mothers, we have to remember to raise our children to be comfortable in their own skin and know where their beauty comes. It's in Christ not the opinion of others
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." Matthew 5:8

1 comment:

Rob D. said...

Kim, I enjoy reading your blog. Glad to see you guys are doing well.

Rob D.

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