The other day I had a busy day with the kids. Mark worked all day and when he walked in the door, I could tell what he had on his mind, which is on his mind all the time. I'm sure your husband is the same way. He could be sound asleep and I accidentally touch him and he is wide awake wanting to get his groove on!!! Anyway, I gave him what he needed and he gave me what I needed. He cooked dinner and helped clean up!!!
The bible says, Ask and it will be given, Seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be open. Yes, these are all actions words. He wants us to do something for HIM. The most important is putting God first and seeking him with all our hearts. Plus, He also wants us to ask our husbands what they need, seek him and knock his socks off!!! Husbands, you can apply this to your wife as well. If she is like me, sex is not her first priority. If you ask her what she wants and give it to her, seek her with all your heart ( putting God first), you again will get your socks knocked off!!!!
When you have it going on in your marriage, it's a beautiful witness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Bible also says in Luke 6:38 give and it will be given to you. I love giving and help others but should we not be applying this to our marriage as well! When the foundation is strong in our families it will pour out in the rest of our lives!!!
1 comment:
OK, so after reading your post yesterday, I was thinking man, Chris sure does a lot for me, I mean he just does SO MUCH and never complains, EVER. I was thinking I need to make SEX more of a priority on my part. I am like you Kim, honestly, it's not 1# or #2 for me, but don't get me wrong, I love me some action, and LOVE when Chris initiates, but I think I am going to start making that more of my roll :) I think he was pleasantly surprised last night :) lol. Your post made me think about OVERALL intimacy... I am going to make an overall effort to change that too. I want our kids to see us making out and loving on each other - because I want that for my kids in their relationships, they shouldn't think that is weird :) Thanks for being bold and posting!
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