The truth is we all are at some point. However, the majority of people like to
pretend and act as if nothing is wrong living a life just going through the
motions. These same people are living a
life broke and miserable trying to feed and fill up on empty desires trying to
mask what is really going on in their
Ok, maybe I just took it to deep for you and now you are
thinking not only are you jacked up, have lost your mind and are a freak!!!
Yes, I would agree! But, If crazy, jacked up or even a freak means being financially
free, living a life on purpose, going
after dreams that never seemed possible, raising up Godly children, having a
rockin marriage and might I add beign together for 20 years still having some amazing sex,
surrounded by awesome friends, and having
joy and peace in my life then I’ll take it!!!
Here is the thing.
Mark and I don’t even get in the ring to box anymore when it comes to
money! We are on the same page working
towards the same goals and actually can review and go over our budget in just
10 minutes. We even added some fun to it
too! I’ll explain just in just in a few
more paragraphs. If you have been
following my blog, you know what that means especially if you have a husband
like mine!
Here is the million dollar question how do you get to the
place in your marriage where you don’t have to step in the boxing ring in order
to create a budget? Also, how in the
world can you add a little spice and fun to it to boot! I will share just a few lessons we have
learned. The rest I will share in my
book as soon as it is finished! It’s not rocket science! Actually, you already
know the answer. Maybe you just might need a little reminder
and support. It really comes down to simpify your life. What I’m
share in my blogs is what works in our life.
Maybe what works for us doesn’t work for you and that is ok. You really need to find and create a plan
that will work in your life. There are
some great books you can read for more help on money. I love Dave Ramsey and Dani Johnson. You can Google them for more
You have
to get real with yourself. You need to
get to the root of where and why you have money problems. This is really hard because most people would
just like to pretend or blame their spouse for their problems. Mark and I were both to blame and we had to
take responsibility for ourselves.
Stop spending
and live beneath your means. Who cares
what your neighbor, friend or family member thinks about you! Most likely they are broke so stop trying to
live a life to impress others. If you don’t have the money don’t buy it!
Be grateful for what you have and begin speaking
words of life. Stop going around
complaining how broke you are. The
reason you are broke is because of your own stupid choices. Get up and do something about it like WORK!
Communicate with your spouse. Take baby steps, create a plan and figure out
what your goals are for your marriage. Know the difference between investing
and spending.
Set the mood!
We pray together before we sit down to do our budget. We know we need Him because without him we
would still be putting on our boxing gloves. Also, we put on some old school music on so we
can laugh and even love on each other for a little bit before we sit down to do
our budget. Soon as soon as we are done, get
back to getting our groove on! Anytime
sex is involved, my husband is one happy man!
Now, number five didn’t happen overnight actually none of it
did! It has been a work in progress and
still is to this day! However, it’s worth
all the hard work. The other day, while
driving by myself in the car, I was flipping through the radio stations and
heard one of our songs from back in the day.
It was Two Occassions by Baby Face! I know I’m such a dork!!! So, it reminded me to go home and play it for Mark. We cranked that song on last night. The kids were in bed but could hear us in the
kitchen. They knew we were getting ready
to do our budget. They heard the music
and came running out and said, “oh here there go again with all their kissing.” I love it! They are witnessing their parents coming
together being able to talk about money without it becoming some long drawn out fight!
If the words money and budget went from a 10 round boxing
match where both mark and I would leave with scars from words that would be
said to laughing and sex, there is hope for anyone!!! Life it so short to be angry and always
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