Sunday, August 11, 2013

Begging at the Backdoor

Our dog is outside barking to come in the house.  She has been outside all morning and now has decided she wants to come in to enjoy the comforts of her home.  She is scratching and jumping at the door.  This dog is persistence and doesn’t give up. 

At the same time as the dog is crying to come inside, cinnamon rolls are being made.  As my husband opens the door to let this crazy dog in, I open the oven to bake these yummy rolls.   Because my dog has some fear of smoke, she refuses to come in to rest and stays outside.  Here is the thing, there was no smoke.  She was allowing a negative experience from her past, to keep her from enjoying the benefits given to her as being part of our family.

Yes, this is a silly story about our dog.  However, looking at the situation, I can’t help but to reflect on my own life, non-believers and Christians who are afraid to enter fully in the Kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is not just heaven but the life God wants for you here on earth.  God has promises for His Children.  He wants to give you rest and take your burden.  Because of strong holds that sometimes unknowingly exist we sit and beg outside the door but never receiving all the blessings that are promised as part of the family of God.   Maybe the reasons being of the fear of the unknown or possibly being haunted by sin, past failures never thinking they are good enough for God’s grace and mercy.  Instead of walking towards God they self-sabotage their relationship and stand outside the door afraid to walk through. 

We are not good enough.  It’s only because of Christ and what He endured on the cross that can bring us hope. He is the only reason we can have hope.  It’s nothing we have done, deserve or can do.  It’s only allowing God to draw us in and accepting the invitation of accepting Christ allowing Him to free you from your past hurts and use you to bring Him all the glory.  He wants to do more in you and me if we allow his power to free and work within each on of us…

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.” Ephesians 3:20

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