Monday, August 26, 2013

After a stressful day with the kids, how does a forty in brown paper bag sound?

If you have children then you should be able to relate to this blog, unless, of course, you are superhuman! 

It was one of those days.  You know the kind of day I’m talking about, when your head is pounding because you have heard MOM repeated at least a million times!  You have broken up wrestling matches, called time-out, and had to go over the rules more in one day than any NBA, NHL or NFL referee has had to do in a given two hour game, which now has you feeling like filling out an application for some sort of professional referee.    Surely these franchises could use your expertise! Except you realize that you would probably be over-qualified!

You cooked, cleaned, and now dinner looks like dog food, probably because you were interrupted and forgot that the stove was on three times! The house resembles the aftermath of a tornado, or better yet, an earthquake.  Because you just need a break and get your sanity back, you decide to do the unspeakable.  You allow your kids to watch a movie! You break every TV rule you have, and close the blinds so the other mothers will not know!

Finally, after the day seems to be winding down, your husband notices that you have an uncontrollable twitch.  In desperation he realizes that if you don’t get some sort of break, the chances of him getting lucky are slim to none!  He doesn’t let you know he is thinking this, of course.  Instead, he suggests going for an evening walk, just the two of you.    You agree, and instead of putting on your ruby red slippers, you quickly jam your feet into the first pair of shoes you find and fly out the door. The last thing you are doing is clicking your heels and uttering the words, "there is no place like home."   You decide to walk to the nearest convenient store to grab a few things needed for home.  The idea of being able to walk to the store in silence is like heaven.  You didn’t have to go through any rules, reminding little ones how to act and what not to ask for. 

As the sliding doors open, something catches your eye. Could this be the answer?  This bottle never looked so lovely before!  The idea of quickly grabbing and wrapping it in a brown paper bag excites you.  This could be answer!  Now your mommy walks around the block could bring a whole new experience.  Your mind begins to wander as ideas of a new kind mom’s group begin.  Paper bag moms!  Nobody would know.  You could meet, walk, and talk, and drink until the edge is taken way and the happy smile kicks in! 

Minutes later, your dream is suddenly interrupted by your cell phone.  The kids want to know when you will be coming home.  You look at your phone.  Could it have been that long?  How long were you romancing about this new found love?  You look at the time and realize it’s been an entire 10 minutes since leaving the house! How dare you be gone so long!   Your husband grabs what is needed, and you head out the door.

You awake from your blissful fairy tale and are brought back to reality.  Christ is there, reminding you and me that HE is what will fill you up, and give you compete joy, peace, and rest. Everything is else is only temporary relief.  We don’t have to complain, talk about it until we are blue in the face, or tell a million people how bad our day was,  Nor do we need to drink it away.   We only need Him.  He wants to take your burden and make it light.  What are you waiting for?  Give it to Christ.  He is the one who sustains us and gives the grace and mercy to share with our family.  He is found in our weakness and reminds each one of us of the bigger picture, and how we are responsible to show our children His way by our words and actions.   The brown paper bag, as good as it may sound, will never bring what Christ has already died and given you.  Peace, joy, and rest.  It’s yours if you decide to take it. 

After you have your moment (which we are allowed to have), you walk in you front door, look at those little faces, and realize there really is no place like home!

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