Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Change the World so Desperately Needs.

 After the horrific shooting that took place last weekend in CT, there are many different opinions and thoughts that are being talked about on what our county needs to do, to help stop this from happening again. However, when you turn on the TV, listen to the radio or even read comments on FB you will find  little talk about bringing God back into our lives. Unless,of course you are a  Christian.   However, the very same people who have kicked God out of everything, public schools, politics, families and even their personal lives are shaking their finger and saying, "How could such a good and powerful God allow this to happen.?"

I don't write this blog pretending to know all the answers.  I'm not an expert on anything.  However, I am a woman who loves my husband, kids, family, friends, church and most importantly our God.  I'm just to blame for all the junk in our world.  For years, I may have believed in Him but was not willing to live for him. Thankfully, God is a forgiving God!

We have become a society that loves to blame everyone for our mistakes.  It's not God who is to blame for the tragedies  we experience.   We are.   We are  responsible for the hate and violence in the world.  Every time we choose what we want or want we think over God, tragic events that took place in CT is the final outcome. These such events don't just happen overnight.  It starts with something small and with time grows to such a horrific tragedy, it leaves us paralyzed, wondering how could this happen?    We push God out of everything.   There are even churches that are choosing  to teach what they believe and think.  Instead of relying on the infallible word of God.  We try to make God work and fit us.  Only reaching out for him when we find ourselves in despair.  As soon as disaster hits, we ask God where are you?  "He is saying, I've been hear all along.  I love you and have been seeking you since the day you were born. He doesn't give up on us know matter how much we turn our back on him.  He does allow us to have our free will.  He will not force us to love, follow or accept him. His heart aches as he waits patiently for his children to come back to him.  However, as soon as disaster hits, God receives the blame. 

We are all sinners.  No, the average person would never do something to the extreme of what this shooter did in CT.  However, we are all one choice away from making a decision that will not only have a negative effect on our personal life but the lives of the people we love and may not even know.  We are all good at dressing ourselves up and hiding.  Trying to do what is good.  Go to work, show up at church, give a little and love the people who love us.  We may fool a few people,but we can't fool God.  He knows our hearts.   We have become a society that  thinks we deserve what ever we want. This may be hard for some people to hear, but  We deserve NOTHING.  We are all wicked people. It's so easy for people to look outward and compare themselves with  others. Thinking they aren't so bad considering what their neighbors or friends may be doing.   I dare you to look at your own life.  your own heart.  Asking God to reveal areas in your life where you sin.  You will be shocked.    When we harbor bitterness, hate, jealously, unforgiveness, selfishness, lust, sexual immorality and greed in our hearts, We are sinning against God.    We like to think our sin is  not as bad as the girl or guy down the street, or people sitting behind bars.  Sin is Sin.   The more we choose to sin we will find ourselves farther from the heart of God.

 It's not the laws that should be the focal point of our country.  It's the heart. How can we change the heart?  The only answer to this is the blood of Jesus Christ and allowing the Holy Spirit to grow inside of each one of us.Thankfully, he doesn't expect perfection only a willing an open heart. It's about forgiveness.  Humbling ourselves before God admitting we need a savior.  God is a forgiving God.  There isn't anything God can't forgive. All we have to do is ask.   The more we walk and are full of the spirit the less we will sin.  Its only the Love of Christ that will change the heart of man.  Its only when the Spirit of God is alive in our hearts that will  stop tragedy like the one the world is experiencing today. I would like to say the world is going to get better.  Until we can turn our hearts from our selfish ways and turn back to Him, it will only get worse.

Christians, we can know longer allow the enemy to win.  We are especially to blame. It is time to wake up.   We hide allowing fear to keep us from the call on our lives.  For you did not receive the Holy Spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you receive a spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father.  The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children.  Now if we are children, then we are heirs-heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.  Romans 8:13-17
  When we witness events in CT or in our surrounding neighbor hoods and do nothing, we are failing God. When we hear about 18 children that were brutally killed and do nothing expect talk about how terrible it is, we fail God.  When we hear that 3,700 abortions are given every single day and do nothing.  WE FAIL GOD.     God's heart is grieving when he looks at his people.  We need to wake up and do something.  If you don't, we are failing God and can't blame anyone else but ourselves.   When we see the children's ministry in our churches crying for help and turn the other way.  We are failing God. He has called each one of us to do something.  I don't know what it is for you, but it's time to step up,stop fearing people and begin to love, fear our God and do something.  The body of Christ needs all of us. If  you don't answer the call, then the people God wanted you to reach stay lost. The great author C.S Lewis was an atheist until he met his friend J. R. R. Token.  Think about the blessings they have given us because of their love for Christ and following the call on their life.  Maybe just showing up  and doing what He calls you to do, will change the direction of a child or  a families life forever.  It's not about you it's about him. Our goal should be for God to use us in whatever way He needs to in order to bring Glory to him.  It's not about our own success. We have this picture in our head that we deserve a perfect life with no pain.  We think we deserve to live a long and healthy life in this world. . Christ never made those promises.  He said the opposite that we will have troubles in this world. God does bring blessings.  However,  they don't always come as we pictured them.  It's about God using our lives to bring people to know him.  Whatever that may look like needs to be the goal, know matter how hard it may be.  I pray everyday for health and protection over my children, husband, family and friends.  I can't imagine what I would be like if I had to go through the pain and suffering those families in CT are dealing with today.  I have to remember to keep my eyes on Christ and pray that no matter happens in my life that through the blessings I don't forget him and through the sufferings hold on to Christ will all my heart.  Through my faith God will be glorified.   

It starts with repentance, which means asking for forgiveness, prayer and bringing Christ in your life.  and will It starts with you and your family. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.-1 John:9.   This Christmas ask yourself, "Do you know Christ?"  Do your children know Jesus?  Begin to allow him to work in and through you.  This is what is missing. Christ is our only hope.   I pray that you open your heart to God allowing him to change your heart.  This is when  we will see the change the world so desperately needs.   

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.  Matthew 11:28-29

Even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.

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