Mark recently received his real estate licenses. He still works full time but was looking to make extra money but also wanted to help others and learn more about this industry for our his own personal reasons.Plus, lets be honest, we have four active kids! We needed a way to make some extra income. Joining my dad's company was the perfect answer. He needed to get the word out and of course he said let's open up his face book page.
At first I had some hesitation, because I knew I would be doing most of the FB for him and I didn't want to get sucked in to it again! FB can be a great tool, but it also can be used to for gossip, hurting others and other selfish reasons. So, before getting back on FB I prayed. I take everything to God it doesn't matter how big or small, I want His direction for my life. I wanted to make sure my heart was right and I was getting on FB for the right reasons. I do not want to get preconceived ideas about other people based on their post. I want to continue to love others for who they are and not have any expectations. I didn't want to have a prideful spirit nor did I want this to be all about us and trying to brag or make our life look like it's perfect because it's not. I didn't need to get on FB trying to make a fake allusion about my life, care about the opinions of others or try to see how many people will like my status!
I didn't feel God leading me to stay off FB, but I did feel him want Mark and I to have one FB account together. If you are reading this and are not on my FB account, we decided to have both of our names on the account. Not because Mark is trying to control me or vice versa or because we had any problems in the past being on FB, but because everything we do we do together. There isn't anything I don't know about Mark and he knows everything about me. We know many people who have fallen into the temptation with social media and have hurt or destroyed their marriage. They have viewed things they shouldn't of or chatted with old flames or found someone new to have conversations with instead of their spouse, which only leads to disaster. Mark and I are human just like everyone else. It only takes something so small to begin to lead you away from the heart of God and all his blessings. The enemy likes to disguise himself as good just to get the door open. Mark and I work together to keep those doors shut.
"The thief comes only to steal and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." John 10:10
Now, we are not suggesting everyone close their FB page and open one up with their spouse! This is what God placed on our heart and we want to be authentic and what you see on FB is what you see in the real world. Not perfection but a love for each other, for others and for our God!
No matter what your reasons are for being on FB, if you truly love God and your spouse, protect your mind and conversations. If you wouldn't do it in front of your spouse then you shouldn't be doing it don't let those doors creep open which will only lead to disaster...
"No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful' he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." 1 Corinthians 10-13
i am so glad you are back to blogging! i cant believehow big the kids have gotten! (((HUGS))) I miss YOU!
Thanks you so much Sunday! xoxo
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