Wednesday, January 30, 2013

It's finally Happening!

In the movie Hook, there is a scene when Peter, played by Robin William,   finally begins to allow his eyes and heart to open up and remember who he has always been.  Peter Pan!  This was not an easy task as the lost boys, Tinker Bell and even Captain Hook try to rid him of the bondage of the world and bring him back to Never, Never Land as the hero everyone once remembered. 

One of my favorite parts is when Peter is sitting at dinner and at first recongnizing  nothing but empty plates but soon after encouragement from the lost boys, he is amazed to see the feast that was sitting right before him.  Tinker Bell in all her excitement whispers, “It’s happening Peter, It’s happening!”

It’s happening my friends.  God is taking us to the place He has destined for each one of us.  He is allowing the scales to fall from our eyes and see ourselves the way our Lord has seen us since the day we were born.  By beloved, beautiful friends, for all of who are stepping out in faith, I believe the Lord in all his excitement is not whispering but shouting with joy that yes they can see  It’s finally happening!!!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Simba says, "Laugh at the face of Danger."

"I laugh at the face of danger" Simba says to  Zazu when he was found exploring the elephant grave yard.  However, when faced with risk, opposition, fear and yes danger, Simba did what most people do including myself and believed the lies told by his uncle scar and ran the other way.  Giving up on the very call on his life to take the place of his father and become King. 

See, we all know the movie.  His best friend goes looking for an answer to help her people and  who does she find, SIMBA.  Sometimes, we go hiding from our past, our fears and even our own deepest dreams, trying to forget because going along with the flow and living life like everyone else seems much easier than facing the truth. 

God is so faithful and so good.  He doesn't allow us to stay put or want us to live a life of mediocrity.  He has a calling on all of our lives.  He will do whatever he needs to do bring you back home.  Sometimes, he'll even send some special friends in your life to remind you who you are and what belongs to you! What else is so amazing is God is a God of second chances. Simba was given the chance to go back to the Pride Land and make things right for himself and the ones he loved.

Today, laugh at the face of danger and  take back what God has already given you!!!

Monday, January 14, 2013

What is one thing we can do to help our marriages?

Is your marriage in a rut?  Do you look at your husband with disgust or maybe you do love him but the moment he comes home from work or you are alone with him hell breaks loose?  It seems like all you do is fight and argue all the time?

If this is sounds like you,  just know you are not alone!  This was me for years!! I've always had this deep passion for Mark but the only thing was we just couldn't get along.  We would fight, bicker and nip pick at each other all the time and not just when we were alone by ourselves but in front of people too.

I understand Marriage or any relationship takes two people.  However, in order for anything to change, we have to allow God to change ourselves first.  We cannot change anyone and If you are not willing to do your part well then get use to living a life of default  instead of victory.  If I didn' allow God to change me, we would probably still be going around the same stupid mountain and I would be crying why does my life suck!  The reason it did was because I wasn't willing to do anything about it except complain and be a victim. 

Here is one step you can take today to begin to improve your marriage.  It will not happen overnight and the road will not be easy. You may have legitimate  reasons  why you can't stand your husband and  just want to take everything that belongs to him and throw it out the window! The reason we want to respect our husbands is becuase we want to obey God and His word  because of our love for Hm.  By being obedient to God, He can make all things new again.  There is no way you can do this on your own will power. You will need Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.   You can't do this alone because you will find yourself not only wanting to kill him with your words but maybe even find yourself sitting on top of him strangling him!  I'm just saying!!  There is so much involved and healing that needs to take place in marriages.   However, when I applied what the bible says about respecting your husband, my relationship with God and my husband began to change.  I'm so grateful that  Mark began to look at himself not always blaming me and allowed God  to change him as well! It did not happen by me nagging him.  It began as he seen the changes within me. 

God doesn't say we can't joke around with our husbands or open up with another woman about some difficulties that we may be experiencing in our  marriage or laugh together about some of the silly things our husbands do!    This is the beauty about being the body of Christ.  To help lift each other up. Please,  make sure it's with  someone who has your best interest at heart.  There are people our there and yes Christians who enjoy you living a life of misery.  It makes them feel better about themselves.  Women do not open up to another man about your problems in your marriage, unless it is with a counselor or a pastor.  If you do, it will open up doors to bigger problems and does not show Respect  and Honor  to your husband.  This holds true for men as well. 

Today, ask God to reveal in your heart how you may not have been respecting your husband by your words.  Today, lift him up instead of tearing him down and begin to see the changes that will take place in your life.  What ever you do always honor and respect your husband in front of other people and your children.  "However, let each one of you love his wife as himself,and let the wife see that she respects her husband."- Ephesians 5:33

If you find yourself in a physical or mentally  abusive  relationship, please contact someone in a local church or someone you trust. God does not call us to be in those types of relationships. 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

SEX and what your wife really wants and needs!!!!

If this blog is intended for men, then I really know to keep it short, to the point and not get all touchy feelly!!  This blog is for all my friends, who have asked me to write a blog for husbands.
Husbands, we know what you want!  It's SEX  and BJ's!!! I know I took it to the next level and added the word BJ in my blog!  Let's be real.  It's the truth.  Sex was not designed to be ashamed of or dirty.  The world has taken something so intimate and beautiful and trashed it.  It literally has taken what God intended for good and a gift between a married men and women and ran it through the gutter.   If I offended you in any way, then this blog is not for you.  Also, if your wife cannot give herself fully to you, there is something much deeper going on.  You need to build the trust for her to open up and share her feelings with you.  I say this with experience.  Three years ago, I had a major break through.  I was still angry and hurt from decisions and choices Mark made years ago and the junk  he brought into our marriage.  It wasn't until I fully forgave him did we become one!!! 

What does your wife need?  Here is a hint, why don't you ask her?  Get to know your wife. What does she likes, what  doesn't she  like, what are her dreams, and her fears? What is she dealing with at this very moment?  What turns her on?  Maybe it's rubbing her feet or back. Maybe it's a pitch on the butt or a kiss for NO REASON or hidden agenda!  You know what I mean, if you are trying to pre-heat the oven you have to do it in a way without the pressure of her dropping her pants that very minute!  It takes time.  She wants  you  to   Pursue her, delight in her and make her your number one priority ( after God of course)!  Don't treat your marriage as it is an obligation.  Don't just go through the motions. "Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the Church and gave himself up for her." Ephesians 5:25

  If you play fantasy football, I could ask you about anyone of your players and you could tell me their history!  I know my husband could.  Think about how much time you put into preparing for your draft!  For crying out loud, Mark gets magazines sent to the house and he studies it for days if not weeks leading up to the draft!  Think about how much time you spend on picking which players to play and then the hours you spend watching the game?   If you are not into sports ask yourself,  How much time do yo spend on work, working around the house, playing with your kids or time you spend on  your ministry?   Did you find the time to let your wife know she means something to you?  Did you send her a text letting her know you appreciate her, did you buy her something just for no reason at all or did she just get your left overs? 

Before God gave Mark and I our ah ha moment, we would fight like crazy.  I was not willing to give in and neither was he.  I would get so mad because when we would have an opportunity to go out for an evening and he had NO plans and didn't know what to do but yet could put some much time into his sports, my head would seriously spin!  Thankfully, that has all changed.  Mark knows my favorite date nights are just going to get a cup of coffee and having all his attention.  We talk,  share, laugh and be part of each other lives.  I'm realistic and know this can't happen every night, but there are little things you can do almost every day   to remind your wife she is truly your love of your life and do not think saying I love you or babe your the best during  a commerical break from your favorite tv prorgam counts!!   Find out what her love language is and then do it and be creative please!  Don't keep doing the same thing over and over again.  We want to feel like there was thought and effort put behind your actions!!!!

Yes, with SEX and BJ's means you have to open up with your wife, take the time to know what SHE wants because we are all different!  Yes, men all want the same thing but women are an entire different ballgame and thank God for that!!! Put each other's needs before your own and watch what will happen in your marriage!  Don't be afraid to be the one to take the first step...

A little side note, praying and reading the Bible is my ultimate favorite time with Mark.  It connects us like nothing else.  When we are not doing this, get to busy or get side tracked, it shows in our relationship.  It is the glue that will hold you together!!!

The husband should give his wife all that she have as his wife.  And the wife should give her husband all that he should have as her husband.  The wife does not have power over her own body.  And the husband does not have power over his own body.  His wife has the power over his body.  Do not refuse to give your bodies to each other.  But you might both agree to stay away from sexual relations for a time.  You might do this so that you can give your time to prayer.  Then  come to together again.  That is so that Satan cannot tempt you in your weakness. I say this to give you permission.  It is not a command.  1 Corinthians 7: 3-6

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

SEX, SEX and more SEX!!!!

I'm just going to get right to the point and make this blog short! Ladies, if you want your marriage to be THRIEVING, PASSIONATE and ON FIRE then there is one very important  lesson to learn. Yes, you already know the answer!  We have to give it to our men!!!  Christian women especially need to get this!  Why do we walk around afraid to talk about sex or think we can't have an exciting sex life because we love Jesus?  Hello, that is why we should have it going on because of Jesus!!!  God designed SEX for you and your hubby!!!  It is a gift and when you give it to him trust me he will do whatever you want!!! ( This last comment about giving it to him because he will do whatever you want is just in fun.  Our husbands are not puppets.   It is very important to make sure you are not using sex to control and manipulate your man. It is very dangerous and will lead to an unhealthy marriage.) 

The other day I had a busy day with the kids.  Mark worked all day and when he walked in the door, I could tell what he had on his mind, which is on his mind all the time.  I'm sure your husband is the same way.  He could  be sound asleep and I  accidentally touch him and he is wide awake wanting to get his groove on!!! Anyway, I gave him what he needed  and he gave me what I needed.  He cooked dinner and helped clean up!!! 

The bible says, Ask and it will be given, Seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be open.  Yes, these are all actions words. He wants us to do something for HIM.  The most important is putting God first and seeking him with all our hearts. Plus,   He also wants us to ask our husbands what they need, seek him and knock his socks off!!!  Husbands, you can apply this to your wife as well.  If she is like me, sex is not her first priority.  If you ask her what she wants and give it to her, seek her with all your heart ( putting God first), you again will get your socks knocked off!!!!

When you have it going on in your marriage, it's a beautiful witness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  The Bible also says in Luke 6:38 give and it will be given to you. I love giving and help others but should we not be applying this  to our marriage as well! When the foundation is strong in our families  it will pour out in the rest of our  lives!!! 

Friday, January 4, 2013

The first pages of my book have been written!!!

Well,  the book has officially began!!! The hardest part was for me to actually sit down and organize my thoughts!  To figure out how many pages this book will have, how many chapters and the titles.  I'm sure someone could do a much better job than what I just did, but it's a start! Organization is not part of my vocabulary!   This was extremely hard for me.  Someone who is gifted in this area probably would look at how I organized myself and have a panic attack!!!   After getting the outline somewhat organized, I wrote my first three pages!!!  Now, I am depending on God to lead me and give me the words He wants me to write.  I know as I write this, he will bring someone in my life who will be able to edit the finish project.  He will bring someone in my life who will be able to take what I will have and make it better! I know He will bring someone who will help me create a catchy book title and cool looking book cover.  In order for any of those things to happen, I need to be prepared.  In order to be prepared, I need to do my part   He can't help me or bring these people in my life, if I keep in in my head wishing and dreaming.  It's time to make it a reality! 

I'm thrilled! Every night, I will be committed to write at least three-four pages.  Before I know it, the manuscript will be completed.  ( I don't know if this is what you call it but it sounded good to me!!!)   This is just the beginning of many more books in my future!  All I can say to encourage someone is  just do something that makes your spirit come alive and honors God!  God has so much more he wants from you but He can't do anything, if you don't get out there and try!  It doesn't matter what age you are.  If you are breathing, He still has a plan for your life!!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Looking at life through the eyes of your children!

I'm not crazy about being cold!  I'm not a fan of cold weather or in the summer time a cold pool!  It can be 90 degrees outside and if the water doesn't feel like bath water, someone needs to push me in because I am a wimp!

Here we are January 1st, snow on the ground and four anxious kids and one excited husband ready to go sledding!  At first the thought off  having Mark take the kids and leaving me home alone to relax sounded like heaven!  I was trying to think of an excuse from having to bundle up and add layer upon layer of clothing before hitting the big hill or even just to step outside! It was freezing today!  Then I looked at my kids eyes especially the baby.  This would of been her first time experiencing sledding and really playing in the snow.  It didn't snow last year and now she is at the age where she will enjoy all the fun.  She was thrilled to put on her snow pants, gloves and hat! So,  I decided to get dress and not pass up the opportunity experiencing  sledding with Marie and the kids.  The kids couldn't wait to see what Marie's expressions would be like as she rolled around in the snow and fly down the hill.

As I pulled Marie around on the sled, climbed up the hill and went down the hill several times, God reminds me never get weary of looking at life through the eyes of my children.  To experience all the moments with Mark and the kids as if it is the first time.  The running noses, walking through the snow and watching Marie fall a million times, picking her up and falling again, the laughing, screaming as we all came down the hill,  watching the kids teach  Marie how to sled,  the crying at the end on how frozen their toes were and finger tips, I would of missed if  all if I decided to just stay home. 

2012 was an amazing year and I plan on 2013 being even better.  It starts with being present with the ones' you love most, looking at life through the eyes of your child and remembering these moments don't last forever.   I want to take it all it because this is what life is about! 

Happy New Year!!!

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