Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Should this be called Facebook or Fakebook?

Facebook or as I like to call it "fakebook"  can be used as a great tool to stay connected with friends, family, the latest news and follow people you respect for advice, motivation and even encouragement.  But has facebook and other social media  taken away  real love and abiding friendships?  How many people really celebrate the success of other's?  How many people that claim to be your friend has a  heart that aches when faced with disappointment, failure, struggles in marriage, family or children.  How many of these friends we know not only on fb, but at work, mom's groups, and even at church truly want to share in your dreams and goals. Do they really want to encourage and support you or are they patiently waiting for something to go wrong?  Let's be honest, we all struggle, if not now, but at some point with jealously, insecurity, pride and not being content with what we have and it has killed friendships, families and destroyed marriages. 

As I'm studying King David in the Bible, it talks about a friendship that David had with a man named Jonathon.  This man was King Saul's son. Saul intended for Jonathan to become the second king of Israel, but this son of his  has other plans.  In David, Jonathan saw character fit for a king.  He was so determined that the throne be occupied by God's chosen instrument that he offered everything he had.  Jonathan could of had the entire kingdom  but instead he sacrificed himself for his friend and God's plan. In the Bible it talk about how Jonathan removed his robe and tunic and placed it on David, symbolizing that David would be king instead of him!  Jonathon  could of been filled with jealously and claimed what was given to David as his own.  It wasn't like that at all.  Jonathon and David had an instant bond that only could of been brought together by God himself.  Jonathon's commitment to help David was based on Jonathan's love, not David's response. Even though David had a heart for God, he was not perfect.  Jonathon looked beyond his faults. David could say anything and Jonathon never took it personal nor did he judge him. He accepted him for who he was and when David messed up, He didn't turn his back on him.  His motivation was based on pure love not ever wanting anything in return but to see David live God's plan and  purpose He had for his Friend's life.

Every time, I hear the story of David, I pray that I have a heart like his and that I let go of all my fears, to continue to run after God and  live the life he has set before me. However, as I grow closer to Christ, I also pray I can  become more like a friend to others like  Jonathon was to David. If I'm honest,  I know at times I'm not the greatest friend to the people God has placed in my life. I want to be more like a friend like Jonathon  and not a "fakebook" friend that most ( Not ALL) people unfortunately are today. 

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