Saturday, October 30, 2010

I'm finally getting back to blogging! Thank you so all my friends who didn't let me give up and encouraged me to keep writing and working towards my speaking career!!Even though I started this Blog a few years ago, I'm still learning about blogging and how to make this blog spot better. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Let me know what you think

Homeschool Vs. Traditional

Homeschool Vs. Public School
by Kim Watt on Friday, September 24, 2010 at 10:20pm

Today, I was sitting at a table with a few home school mom's. We were all enjoying each others company because as any mom knows its so exciting when we can have adult conversation!

I heard a few ladies talking about "public" school kids and "homeschool" kids and as the conversation continued I couldn't help but think don't homeschool parents dislike it when they are stereotyped. When people think all homeschool kids are weird or have no social skills. But here they are doing the same thing talking about how ALL public school kids are basically bad or screwed up.

I'm a big advocate for homeschooling. I know the benefits and have experienced them first hand..( I will write about on a later date) I would encourage anyone who is even slightly thinking about homeschool to do it. I have met some amazing people and kids that have been homeschool. However, I do know that not everyone can or should homeschool for whatever reason whether financially, emotionally, mentally or spiritually.

As little as 6 years ago, I was not ready to homeschool and God new this. Thankfully he worked on me and prepared me for this time because I truly believe this is one of my callings on my life. Will I homeschool forever? I don't know. I hope so because the kids and I love it! But,only God knows that answer.

Today this article is not about traditional vs.homeschool. If homeschool is a calling on your life great, but be careful not to lump every kid into one category. I know amazing kids that attend public schools. Also, I know amazing teachers in the public school system and my kids have had a few of them.

The focus needs to be am I being the best parent and role model for my children. Are we parents working on ourselves and growing so we can teach our children by our example. Are we teaching our kids about Jesus? Because in this day and age whether you send your kids to school or home school the most important thing you can do for your kids is to show them God's love in EVERYTHING we do, tell them about God, set a good example and let them know without a doubt that God has a huge plan for their life. If we did this and focused on making ourselves better and stop pointing the figure at everyone else, I do believe our kids futures will be brighter. Today, we need to take a deeper look at ourselves and look at our kids. Yes, we are doing the best we can, but can it better??? Shouldn't our goal be to be open to change, to grow and to become more like Jesus???

Written by: Kim Watt

If your organization is looking for a speake,r please send me a message or contact me at
If you wold like me to tag you in my notes, please let me know

Letting Go of My Baby Girl

Letting my baby girl go.....
by Kim Watt on Thursday, September 30, 2010 at 9:37am
When I post comnts on Fb they are not just words to me. I truly mean what I write. God has waken me up and given me increadbile experiences and has helped me brake free from bondage! I tood a huge risk 4 years ago and went after a dream of mine since I was 18 years old. I was scared and didn't know what the outcome would be but I did it anyway. Today, looking back I'm so thankful I did becasue my mark, my two older kids, my parents and myself have rededicated our life to Christ. He has restored my marriage, relationships, and has helped me break free from many things that have held me back from doing what he placed in my heart to do. When I talk about things, I come from a place of experience and passion for wanting to help other people becasue I know what Christ as done for me. If I wouldn't of taken that leap of faith, I wouldn't be here today speaking and writing about the Word of God. Trust me they"re have been many obstacles trying to stop me from getting to this place.

However, having those experiences for myself and sharing them are one thing. Experiening them as a mother is a completly differnt story. One of my missions in life is to help by example to help my kids love God with all their heart and soul and to let them know that God loves them so much and has such a bigger plan for their life. I don't want my kids to grow up to bm e selfish and to think all about themselves. I want them to understand the gifts God has given them are to Glorif him and to use them to help bring people closer to Christ. I don't want medicocracy and this crazy world to get into their head. I've seen many Christians who love Jesus however they can't brake free from bondage as much as they would want to, fear and worry have left the paralyzed.

I found myself that Christian this week. I found worry, fear, and aneity creep into my head. Thank God I know the Word of God becasue I knew these feelings were not coming from God. Makenna at the age of 10 years old has been given an opportunity from God. He has blessed her with amazing talent and has open the door for her to go to Texas. She has qualified for national Top Testing and is in the top 100 for her age group. She is so excited!

Looking at this outside, I am so excited for her too, but as a mom I can't help but cry. I have been on my knees all week praying and weeping to God to please keep my little girl safe. Mark and I can't go with her and this is her first time to leave us and to get on a plane with out any family. She has her coach and two of her best friends with her and I know everything will be ok..But, Its still hard. I see by baby girl growing up and as I hold marie and rock her at night and then look at Makenna I ask God why does time have to go by so fast. She is growing up and I'm not ready to let her go. As much as I know this is an opportunity of a life time, that dang enemy will enter my brain and have me think of such horrbile things that could happen. I've been over irrable esepcailly to Mark. Thank goodness he is a good man and knew it has nothing to do with him, it was becasue I am very emotional about Makenna leaving.

People have said to me why are you letting her go she is only 10 years old. My answer is when God calls you have to listen and trust him. Makenna is learning so much during this whole experience. She is learning things that most adults haven't learned. I don't know what Goo has planned for her life and it may have nothing to do with gymnatics, but I know its something spectacular.

My prayer for you and for myslef is to not the enemy paralyze your vison for yourself and your family. Take the risk, live by faith and trust God. Pick up your Bible so you know the word of God and can cast out those eveil thoughts when they enter your brain.

Makenna is teaching people that you don't have to wait unitl you are old to go after a dream. That God is calling all of us to let go of fear and worry and to better ourselves so we can Glorify him. We don't have to be like the isralites. They wandered in the wilderness for 40 years and it should of only taken them 11 days. Makenna is proof that you don't have to wait you can start right now. You are never to young or old to live your God given purpose....

********** I did not proof read or spell check!!! Please excuse any errors!!! I'm on my way to take Makenna to the airport pleaase pray for her,her coach,her friends and for me....I don't want God to let me get in the way of the dream God has placed on her heart....I will be happy when Saturday is here and she is in my arms again

My Pitty Party

This morning when I woke up I was already exhausted and ready to go back to bed. I don't know if this has ever happened to you, but before I could even put my feet on the ground, I already had my entire day planned and thought about everything I had to do. Before my day started it was alreaady over with. I could of pulled the covers over my head and just went back to bed!

As Mark and I are trying to get ready for church, I find myself getting stressed out! I start thinking about all that needs to be done today around the house. The laundry, clean the house, school to plan, grocery shopping becasue we are down th the slim picking, etc., and by the time I walk back into my bedroom in my mind sunday is over with and now I'm thinking about Monday. As i'm getting myself worked up and giving myself a pitty party, I walk into the bedroom and Mark is sitting on the bed with the T.V on.

My head is about to spin and for a min. it did. How can he just sit here and watch football highlights? Doesn't he know how much work needs to be done? Am I the only one that can hear Marie crying? I'm tired. I was up with Marie during the night and I sure wish I could just sit down and watch something I enjoy on TV.

As I try to remain calm. I ask him," Why are sitting down?" He looks at me and says, "kim I just sat down for a second to cut my finger nails." I then realized I needed to take a breather!!!

Sometimes we can be very hard on our husbands. At least I know I can. Sometimes, I get upset becasue it seems like he is gets to have all the fun especially with the kids. He doesn't think about the the things that need to get done. around the house llike I do. While they are playing, I'm in the house cleaning. Does this sound famiiar to anyone?

God reminded me today about the story of Martha an Mary. Here are two sisters who opened their home to Jesus. I'm sure Martha was very excited about having Jesus in her home but she let herself get distracted and wasn't enjoying what was most important. She started getting upset with mary becasue in Martha's eyes she wasn't doing anything but sitting at the Lord's feet listening to what he was saying. Martha thought I'm doing all the work why can't I get to enjoy Jesus too! Jesus says to her, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosed what is better, and it will not be taken away from her." Luke 10:41-42.

Whether you are a mom, single, married, divorced or widowoed. Being a woman isn't easy. We have many things on our plate at once. We find ourselves taking care of everyone else. Our kids, husbands, parents, grandparents, friends, church, etc., Sometimes and we are worn out feel like we missing out on something and lost the joy of doing what we once loved. When we feel like that we are focusing on ourself and not on Jesus. Jesus said there is only one thing that is needed and that is him. When we live for him nothing else matter. We are all human and find ourselves like Martha from time to time, but when we do we have to ask ourselves who are we really doing this for? Mary knew that Jesus would only be in her presence for a short time and not to take anything for granted.

Today, if you don't know Jesus ask him to come into your heart. Pick up the Bible and get to know him. If you do know him, stay focus on him and remember our lives are here today and could be gone tomorrow so enjoy what he has given you. Everything else can wait...

Wrtten by :Kim Watt

If you would like me to speak for your organization, please send me a message or email at kmcw1975@yahoo.como
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