Thursday, December 16, 2010

What has God Done For You???

Christmas time can be a great time of Joy.  Its a great time to get together with family and friends.  Its a time more people are focused on giving and reaching out to help someone in need.  Its a great time to reminisce, laugh and be thankful for the life God has given us.  Gathering with people we love and celebrating the birth of Christ is the best time of the year. 

However, many people are going through so much at this time of year.  Many people are without a job, lost a love one, dealing with sickness either with themselves or with someone they love so much, divorce, or are all alone.  Some people know why we celebrate Christmas, however because of all the hurt they are dealing with in their life or trying to maintain the expectations of what the world says about Christmas, they feel empty and are slowly loosing hope. 

Today, instead of me writing about my experiences or thoughts on faith, hope and even suffering, I would love for you to post your comments on how God has healed you.  Your words might help someone else and bless them this Christmas season...

God has promised that all things work together for good to those who love and serve Him faithfully (Romans 8:28).

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